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Article Packets as a Pre-Speech Bonus
By Jeff Davidson MBA, CMC
Here's how to use your published articles and books as a pre-speech crowd pleaser: give something of value to the early arrivals. I often bring an extra packet of article reprints that aren't included in the general audience participant packet. This gift to early arrivals helps cement the brief encounter.
I approach seated audience members and say, "Thanks for coming early today. Here's a bonus article for you. I only have a few of them left, but I want to reward those who arrive in the room early." I have seen people's faces light up following the reception of such a gift. Many people are pleased to receive anything directly from a speaker. Occasionally, I give a CD, a book, or some other item that relates to the meeting at hand. Nearly always, the gesture pays off. They feel as if getting to the room early proved to be well worth it, and you've won a fan for the duration of the presentation.